George Sluga Inducted into Bingham Coaches’ Wall of Fame


George Sluga inducted into Coaches’ Wall of Fame

February 4, 2020

To recognize the dedicated and outstanding service that coaches have rendered to Bingham High, the Coaches Wall of Honor was established in 1999.  Large banners have been placed on the east gymnasium wall to honor the outstanding men and women who have mentored Miner athletes.  Tonight, we honor George Sluga.


George Sluga is an unique individual—a true Bingham Miner.

He is one of the few people in the world who can say he was:

Born in Bingham Canyon

Attended grade school and junior high school in Bingham Canyon

Attended and graduated from Bingham High School—graduating in 1960 (60 years ago)

Was a teacher and a coach at Bingham High School his entire 36-year career


George was hired in 1964 when Donald Parr (later a superintendent of Jordan School District) was principal.

He taught social studies, PE, Health and Drivers’ Education at Bingham from 1964-2000.

He coached most of the men’s sports during the time he was at Bingham and was the Bingham High Athletic Director for a number of years.

His first year as head basketball coach was in the 1969-1970 school year.  He would coach for the next 31 seasons until 2000.

His accomplishments since that time have made him a Bingham High School coaching legend.


His nearly 500 wins as a head coach has made him one of the winningest coaches in Utah History

During this time, he won 6 state titles, 5 state consolation titles and over 17 region titles.

He took his teams to the state tournament over 28 times in his tenure as head coach.

He was selected as the Utah Coach of the Year a number of years and he

 received the Utah Sports Hall of Fame—Distinguished Coach Award in 2007.

He was inducted into the Bingham High School Pay Dirt Club/Hall of Fame in    1978

            More important than wins and losses was George’s concern with the whole person and the life lessons he taught his students. 

            He was always in the business of building character and because of that he always had a program with character.  He continually helped players reach their highest potential through hard work.

His level of enthusiasm for coaching basketball was the same for the entire 31 years he coached.  He put the energizer bunny to shame, he just never burned out. 


He has been married to his wife Marti for 56 years 

They are the proud parents of 4 children, 6 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.